Two people creating a website.

Website creation

The website you need.

Whether it's to improve your visibility or sell your products online, a website offers you many advantages.

Our offers

Different needs. Different websites.

A website can serve several purposes. It is important to identify the needs that you have as well as to know what you expect from your website.

Showcase site

A showcase site is a website intended to present your activities and services. Its main purpose is to bring you an online presence. Whether you are a craftsman, a company, a community or other, a showcase site will strengthen your credibility and image. A showcase site is a great way to acquire new contacts and customers.

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An eye.

Gain visibility

Since your site is online, it is permanently accessible to everyone. You will therefore gain visibility with your current and future customers.

A briefcase.

Present your activities and services

With a detailed description of your activities and services, you will be better understood by your customers and they will discover you more.

A valid certificate.

Strengthen your credibility and image

A showcase site will make you more professional in the eyes of customers. Show them that you are an expert in your field.

Conversation bubbles.

Make you accessible

By offering the possibility to your customers to interact with you via a contact form or a section dedicated to questions, you create a link with them.


A blog is an online journal. Like any newspaper, it is composed of articles dealing with specific subjects. Articles are published frequently and are mostly displayed in reverse publication order (most recent first). A blog can be managed by an individual or a group of people within the same organisation. Just like a showcase site, a blog can be a great way to increase your audience.

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An open book.

Improve your SEO

A blog being regularly updated and providing detailed content, its natural referencing (SEO) is remarkable. It can be a perfect complement to a showcase or e-commerce site.

A megaphone.

Communicate more

The regular publication of articles allows you to communicate more to your audience. Your blog posts can also contain additional information and help you in your communication.

A handshake.

Retain your audience

By the regularity of content additions, but especially by their quality, your audience will value your blog. Your readers will make your blog a trusted source of information, check it regularly, and eventually even share it.

A thumbs up.

Share what you love

There are no limits to the topics covered, you can dedicate yourself to writing and sharing topics that interest you.


A wiki is similar to a blog, with the major difference that a wiki includes a notion of collaboration. The information shared is more important than the people who contributed to it. Generally maintained by a community of contributors, a wiki emphasises centralized, up-to-date content and offers advanced search functionality.

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A brain.

Share your information

Quality information is important, so is sharing it.

A magnifying glass.

Easily find information

It is essential to be able to find the information you are looking for efficiently and easily.

Some books.

Centralise your information

The centralisation of information facilitates its research and its sharing.

A group of people.

Work collaboratively

Collaborators are responsible for their content, share the work and can thus keep quality information up to date.


An e-commerce site is a website for selling products online. It can represent a great combination to a physical store or be an all-digital alternative. Unlike its physical counterpart, an online store is continuously accessible and without geographical constraints, which makes it an undeniable asset.

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A shopping cart.

Sell your products online

Your online store is always open, it's the perfect place to sell your physical or digital products.

A handbag.

Communicate about your products

Promote your new products, present your catalog or communicate on your commercial offers.

The western hemisphere of the earth.

Develop a new clientele

By having your online store, you free yourself from geographical borders or limits between you and your customers. You can sell your products worldwide.

A gift.

Offer more to your customers

An online store generally offers customers better accessibility, an extended range of products, more detailed product descriptions or even reduced prices.

Our promise

Be in total control.

A website is a long-term project, which involves you personally and financially. We believe you should be in full control of your project.

A closing HTML code tag.

Source code owner

The tools used are open source and you will own the source code of your website.

A computer server.

Hosting of your choice

Hosting being a crucial part of making your website accessible online, you can use your favorite one.

A protective shield.

Without engagement

If for any reason you decide to change service providers, you are free to do so.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Find the answers to your questions.

How much does it cost to create a website?

We cannot answer this question precisely by giving you a fixed price. Indeed, the cost of creating a website will depend on its complexity. Several factors must be taken into consideration such as: the features, the number of pages and components or the tools used. We invite you to contact us to share with us the project you want to carry out. After an initial contact, we will be better able to give you a price range.

Can my website be an e-commerce site and a blog at the same time?

We have described several types of website: showcase site, blog, wiki and e-commerce site. These types of websites actually represent a set of specific features. It is entirely possible and conceivable to combine these types of features together. Your website can therefore offer both an online store and a blog.

Will I own the source code?

The tools we use are open source, which means that their source code is public. The developments that we carry out are additions to the basic functionalities of these tools. You will therefore own all the source code.

What is web hosting?

To be accessible online, your website must be made available on a web server. A web server is a computer connected to the Internet, which operates without interruptions. Hosting consists of storing on a web server the files necessary for your website to function.

Will you have access to my server?

We will only have access to your server if you grant us permission. Be aware that it is possible to configure several accesses to your server. You can thus have your own access with your own password and configure specific access for us. In this way, there is no sharing of passwords and the security of your server is preserved.