FAQ acronym symbol.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to your questions.

How much does it cost to create a website?

We cannot answer this question precisely by giving you a fixed price. Indeed, the cost of creating a website will depend on its complexity. Several factors must be taken into consideration such as: the features, the number of pages and components or the tools used. We invite you to contact us to share with us the project you want to carry out. After an initial contact, we will be better able to give you a price range.

Can my website be an e-commerce site and a blog at the same time?

We have described several types of website: showcase site, blog, wiki and e-commerce site. These types of websites actually represent a set of specific features. It is entirely possible and conceivable to combine these types of features together. Your website can therefore offer both an online store and a blog.

Will I own the source code?

The tools we use are open source, which means that their source code is public. The developments that we carry out are additions to the basic functionalities of these tools. You will therefore own all the source code.

What is web hosting?

To be accessible online, your website must be made available on a web server. A web server is a computer connected to the Internet, which operates without interruptions. Hosting consists of storing on a web server the files necessary for your website to function.

Will you have access to my server?

We will only have access to your server if you grant us permission. Be aware that it is possible to configure several accesses to your server. You can thus have your own access with your own password and configure specific access for us. In this way, there is no sharing of passwords and the security of your server is preserved.

Is content writing included in your services?

We provide you with the tools to add or edit content on your website. However, we do not offer content writing. If you have written content yourself and need help adding it to your website, we offer a support service.

What is an occasional backup?

We talk about occasional backup when we back up your website and database outside of a backup plan. Their backup should be included in a defined plan, be done regularly and ideally be automated. Having backups is essential in case a rollback needs to be done.

What are FTP and SSH?

Your website is hosted on a web server, located somewhere in a data center. You don't have physical access to it. To access your web server remotely, there are different methods including FTP and SSH. FTP is a more visual method of accessing your server, whereas SSH requires knowledge of using a command terminal.

What is an occasional cleaning?

We talk about occasional cleanup when we perform cleanup of your database outside of a cleanup plan. The cleaning should be included in a defined plan, be done regularly and ideally be automated. Cleaning is essential to remove non-essential or expired data and thus reduce the size of your database.

What features can I add to my website?

A website can incorporate many features. We will not make an exhaustive list here, but the most popular are: subscription to a newsletter, contact form, sharing on social networks, multilingual versions, customer comments or even the making of online appointments.

Why is it important to update your website?

The tools your website uses evolve over time to add features, fix bugs and most importantly, fix security flaws and vulnerabilities. The latter are the main reasons why you need to do updates. You wouldn't want your website to be the victim of an attack and online hackers compromising your data, making your site faulty or unusable.

What is task automation?

Some tasks are repetitive and can be automated. Making backups, making updates, sending emails or even cleaning the database are examples of tasks that can be automated. In addition to saving time, automating tasks reduces the number of human errors, because the way tasks are executed is only defined once and performed by a machine.

What is a CDN and how would it benefit my website?

A CDN is a group of geographically distributed servers, accelerating access to web resources for users. When a user visits a website, its content will be provided by a server geographically close to their location. This greatly improves the performance and loading times of web pages by reducing latency.

What is a VPS?

A VPS is a virtual server. It uses the resources of a physical server, but offers the same functionalities as a dedicated server. A VPS is positioned as an intermediate option between the two main hosting offers that are shared server and dedicated server. Depending on your needs, the hosting solution chosen will be different.

What is an SSL certificate?

Without going into too much detail, an SSL certificate is a digital certificate that ensures the authenticity of the connection between two computers. Concretely, this ensures security between your website and the users visiting it. When a site uses an SSL certificate, its URL begins with HTTPS.

Why should I restrict access to certain pages on my website?

An average user can browse a set of pages on your website, but should not have access to certain pages such as those reserved for the administration of your site. Not restricting access to these types of pages is a vulnerability and gives web hackers an opportunity to attack you.

Do I have to have a minimum level to take a course?

You do not need to have a minimum level to follow our courses.

What do I need to attend a training session?

Our training sessions take place online, you will need to have a computer and a stable Internet connection. The use of a microphone and webcam is highly recommended for communication and interaction.

Are the training courses certified?

Our training courses are not certified as such. This means that you will not obtain certificates from us with administrative value. However, our trainers are certified in the field of training offered.

What is a micro-agency?

A micro-agency is an agency run by a micro-entrepreneur.

What are the differences between a micro-agency and a traditional agency?

Since a micro-agency is made up of only one person, the expertise offered is more specific. The services of a micro-agency generally cover a more limited scope than what a traditional agency proposes. In addition, your interlocutor being unique, the flexibility in the relation you have with them is more important when you work with a micro-agency. Finally, a micro-agency has lower operational costs than a traditional agency, which generally makes it possible to offer more advantageous rates.

In which geographic area are you located?

We work primarily remotely, which allows us to work with clients based in different locations. We cover the majority of European countries as well as North American countries.

In which language can I communicate with you?

Our services are available in French and English. We will therefore be happy to communicate with you in one of these two languages.